jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

My oral presentation

Well… My oral presentation was very funny because everyone was laughing. My oral presentation was about the characters and the landscape of Drames Rurals by Víctor Català. I hate this research project. I think I could have the presentation went well. I don’t know what happened. I escaped me laugh a little. The whole class started laughing. But good news… I tried!

Student’s oral presentation:

Omar Mballo

The trash Metal

  1. The objectives are: Know why it birth.
  2. He research book but the base of information extracted of the documents.
  3. He was analysing some songs.

I think Omar is very nervous and his pronunciation is not perfect.

Mark: 5.5

Africa Santeliz

We are what we eat!

  1. the most important objective was demonstrate the importance of culinary art within the culture
  2. she examined the most relevant trends
  3. She is intention is to understand the importance of cooking into the culture.

This oral presentations is great                   Mark: 9

Mariana Kavatsyuk

Church and tradition of village.

  1. She celebrates some celebration for example San Peter and San Paul.
  2. She got information about her grandmother.

I think she was very nervous.                                 Mark: 5

Sebas Silvera

Study of symbols by Ilíada

-         His research project is very difficult
-         He compared the most important characters
-         He study and explain the different symbols that’s Iliada.

I think Sebas was doing perfect                           Mark: 9

Natalia Varela

The drainages in Sant Pere Pescador

  1. She study the landscape and the landowners
  2. She use books, internet because needs a lot information
  3. The labour union and the associations of the village in the Second Republic.

Natàlia was very nervous but her oral presentation was very interesting

Mark: 7.5

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