miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

The 15 things that women hate men

The 15 things that women hate men

  1. They don’t close your toothpaste.
  2. They are victims.
  3. They cancel dating to see a football game with friends.
  4. They will not let us choose the movie.
  5. They don’t call in a long time
  6. They dot the toilet lid.
  7. They are unpunctual.
  8. They talk about their ex girlfriend.
  9. They don’t realize that we have arranged.
  10.  They think they are the only ones ho know ho to drive.
  11. They spit on the floor… It’s revolting!
  12.  They don’t ever explain details of things.
  13. They don’t iron.
  14.  They eat with their mouths open.
  15.  They believe that only women can pluck.

Better leave it here. After the men say women are complicated. With this list it’s clear men are not perfect. The problem is that they believe are perfect. 

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